5 ene 2010

Makes us important to try to improve

Today is a great day. Today comes the kings.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to see Melchior and was a great experience. Like a child that I am ready to come today.

Such a day like today, I met someone who was very important to me in 2009. Now I no longer, or is that person ... Not because I do not want to know, but because she disappeared.

Apparently the 2010 starts well but I think it wont be long this optimism. One day you're the most important person and the next day you're not behind us nobody. Caring will be essential because the worst enemy is always at home.

Today I was encouraged to write in English because for my purposes is one of my new year. I want to improve in a simple and useful without long and heavy courses.

What are your purposes?

I hope that among your purposes this be happier and better with others ...

For some who need some help to understand the text can always click on this link it will work well.

6 comentarios:

Clivia dijo...

Afortunadamente existe el traductor en Google porque sino yo, personalmente me quedo sin poder saber que dice la reflexión de hoy, a lo mejor puedo preguntar a los que me rodean pero......
Preferiría que se siguiera escribiendo en castellano, para poder disfrutar de lo que leo.
Los propósitos son bueno pero cada uno tiene los suyos.

JitoXinspiroN dijo...

It would be incredible and make a post in English today and that all the comments were in English!

(Seria ya increible hacer de hoy un post en ingles y que todas los comentarios fueran en ingles!!!)

Unknown dijo...

pues olvidate de mi comentario entonces....XDDDD

Clivia dijo...

Apoyo a vsoti

JitoXinspiroN dijo...

Asi no avanzamos nada!!!! eh!!!!!

Anónimo dijo...

joder esto degenera en jodido ingles maiderrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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